A comedic selection of skits and radio plays to get you home at the end of the week.

Come home to funny, bizarre and punny stories that’ll take you from Ancient Rome, to the Australian Outback, Haunted Hotspots and the streets of akin to a Noir film and the world beyond. 

Old style comedy to bring you home in a modern time.  

Let’s Get You Home on Friday.

Listen to the Trailer

First Episodes

Getting You Home On Friday Trailer

First sneak peak into our new comedy series, Getting You Home On Friday!Join as for some chuckles, some laughs, wit and humour every Friday :)You've been listening to ...

1. Romans, Magic and Ghosts, Oh My!

Dive straight in to the first chuckle worthy episode of GYHOF. We travel to Ancient Rome with Caesar and the hardships of ruling #slayqueen,a short skit to warm the co...

2. News and the Sound of Nothing

Second episode bringing you News as it breaks, before it breaks you. As well as the challenges of Rome with love and war, and the ongoing investigations at the old gao...

3. Why Tanks Toots

In Episode 3, the Delegation of the Hun visit Ancient Rome with an intriguing deal, we follow the Sheep Trials in Tasmania and the team make contact in Paranormal Patr...

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